Article Posted January 2025 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)Student Loan Forgiveness
If you’re totally and permanently disabled (including 70%+ with an inability to work), you may qualify for a discharge of your federal student loans and/or Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant service obligation.
VA - Connect the Vets
1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9am-11am
Meet with EDD and VA reps at the La Jolla VA Center
Veterans Preference for Federal Jobs:
Veterans who are have a 0% rating or served on active duty during certain specified time periods are entitled to preference for Federal jobs, or their spouse if the vet is unable to work due to the service-connected disability.
Also available, Direct-Hire Authority (DHA) is an appointing (hiring) authority that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) can give to Federal agencies for filling vacancies when a critical hiring need or severe shortage of candidates exists.
Veterans Preference for
Job finding and resume assistance & job training programs including trade schools.
- Available whether or not you are unemployed or collecting unemployment benefits.
- Eligibility is based on status as unemployed or under-employed (a vague definition but basically means current job is below a ‘living wage’ or you have no trade or career skills.)
Tax Season - Free File for Vets
(...and most everyone else)
IRS Free File
If you made $69,000 or less during 2019, you qualify for free brand-name software offered through a partnership between the IRS and leading tax software providers.
Note: VA benefits are tax free.
Most with an AGI under $79,000 can file for free at MilTax or IRS Free File.
Museum of the Month
Article Posted December 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Life changes need updates in multiple systems - address, dependents, marital status, spouse, name change, including beneficiaries. Where to Update: VA, DEERS, DFAS, SSA, IRS, CA FTB, Tricare, health insurance, life insurance, auto Insurance, and National Cemetery (if you have made plans). If you are gaining a new beneficiary, the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) allows one year to make changes by submitting the necessary paperwork to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).
Are you prepared for the Unexpected? Does your family know where to find your files, documents, and passwords? See the “Veterans Memorial & Family Checklist” on the Legion website at.
Reporting the death of a Military Retiree - contact the
Student Loan Forgiveness - If you’re totally and permanently disabled (TPD), you may qualify for a discharge of your federal student loans. If you received a TEACH Grant, a TPD discharge also relieves you of your TEACH Grant service obligation.
VA Survivors Pension
Offers monthly payments to survivors of wartime veterans who meet needs-based income limits - spouses not remarried, and unmarried dependent children under 18 or in school to age 23. The calculations are complicated but a Service Officer can assist with application.
VETERAN Designation on Driver License and ID
Eligible vets can add "VETERAN" to the front of their driver license or ID card and can serve as proof of service for various discounts and benefits. The CalVet office will verify and issue a verification form that you take to the DMV.
Vehicle Registration Fee Waivers
Free vehicle registration and license plates for 100% percent disabled, former POW, Medal of Honor recipient, or the surviving spouse of a POW or Medal of Honor recipient.
City Shuttle Services
Sea World - Free Tickets for Vets
Active/Reserve: year-round:
Veterans: available through December 31, 2024:
Article Posted November 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Santa wants to know who wants an M1 Garand for Christmas!
Historic military issue rifles and pistols are available to veterans through the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Field grade M1 Garands are available for $800. See you on the range.
VA Makes Tele-Emergency Care Available Nationwide
VA announced that tele-emergency care is now available nationwide. This expansion of care has already served 61,182 callers with a 59.4% case resolution rate (meaning veterans’ needs were resolved without having to travel from their homes to urgent care or an emergency department). Each VA facility has a local Health Connect number allowing you to speak with a clinical triage nurse who will recommend treatment or in-person visit (Veterans experiencing a life-threatening emergency should immediately contact 911).
Fleet Week
November 1 - 11, 2024
Broadway Pier
Maytime Band Association’s Salute to Veterans
November 9th, 11am – 2 pm
Kimball Park,
The American Legion Post 255 will be participating with a booth. We are also have several members serving on the committee, assisting with planning and preparation, and hosting 3 fundraisers.
November 11, 2024
Article Posted October 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Useful email lists for Vets:
VA Health
Veterans' Employment and Training Service (includes business startups)
VA, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
myPay for Gray Area Retirees
Gray Area Retirees are members who served in the Guard or Reserves and qualified for retired pay and have retired from their service, but are not yet at the age where they can start receiving retired pay, and includes members in the Retired Reserve. By registering, you will receive important information from DFAS and your Branch of Service. Also, DFAS will send email status notifications to you when your completed application for retired pay is received
Charity of the Month -
While the VA provides wheel chairs, they only provide one that may not match the veteran’s lifestyle, and there are limits on repairs and replacement. Some of our warriors need all-terrain wheels to enjoy the simple pleasures of the outdoors, or adaptive sports chairs so they can play sports and / or compete in events like the DoD Warrior Games, Invictus Games, or the Paralympics! With your support, we provide custom-fit mobility solutions to ensure wounded veterans and first responders rejoin their lives at the highest level possible, with independent mobility and function, and ROLL STRONG!
Museum of the Month -
The Marine Corps Mechanized Museum
Camp Pendleton (
Connect the Vets at the VA
1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9am-11am
All Veterans are welcome to come to this social event that brings in job opportunities and assistance from EDD and VA reps at the La Jolla VA Center. care/events/
Article Posted September 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) (800-827-1000)
Vets with a 30% rating or a 20% rating with employment handicap, and within 12 years of active discharge, or the date VA awards service-connected disability (does not count against GI Bill entitlement).
o Opportunities for direct hire placement into government agencies.
o Education & Training - VA pays the cost of up to 2 years training or education plus housing allowance.
o Special Employer Incentive Program (SEI)
- Program for employers covers costs of hiring V&RE Vets.
- 50% of salary for 6 months.
- Training, uniforms, tools
- Workplace accommodations
o On the Job Training (OJT) Program: Employers hire Vets at apprentice wage, and VA supplements up to the journey-man wage. Pays for necessary tools and equipment to support reasonable accommodations.
o Non-Paid Work Experience (NPWE): Get job experience in a govt agency (fed, state, county, city, local) for Vets with vocational goal or difficulties obtaining employment due to lack of work experience. Build your resume and search for jobs while you train.
September 27-29, 2024
Upcoming dates of service and remembrance:
- National Day of Service (September 10th)
- Patriot Day 9/11 (September 11th)
- Constitution & Citizenship Day (September 17th)
- POW/MIA Recognition Day (3rd Friday of September)
- Gold Star Mother’s Day (Last Sunday of September)
Article Posted August 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Museum of the Month -
Gillespie Field,
Pancake Breakfast every 3rd Saturday 830-1130am
Volunteers Welcome Mon - Sun 9am - 3pm.
We operate and maintain these aircraft in flyable condition, attend airshows, and perform Missing Man Memorial Fly Bys, Parade Fly Overs, and Ashes Scatterings. Join our Group and enjoy our activities, aircraft, vehicles, and social gatherings.
Charity of the Month - Tuesday's Children
Our Veteran Future in Statistics:
- The American Legion members’ median age is 64.
- U.S. Population was 342M.
- Veteran population is projected to decline from 19.5M in 2020 to 13.6M by 2048.
Provides tickets to all branches of currently-serving Military and Veterans, including immediate family of troops KIA. Vet Tix secures tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, educational and family activities across the nation for a small delivery fee.
Stand Down 2024 - August 9-11
2400 Euclid Avenue, National City, CA 91950 (San Diego Rescue Mission South County Lighthouse)
Serving all vets with a parking lot full of food, clothing, shower facilities, employment & training services, homeless court, housing assistance, mental health services, and access to a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. A good opportunity if you know someone who needs it.
Education - Employment - Healthcare - Home Loans - Housing - Advocacy - VA Claims
CALTAP - Deep coverage of veteran benefits. Attend online just to see what’s new.
Article Posted June 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Charity of the Month - Legion National Emergency Fund
Your donation helps distressed veterans in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Museum of the Month - USS Midway Aircraft Carrier & Museum
Stand Down 2024 - August 9-11
2400 Euclid Avenue, National City, CA 91950 (San Diego Rescue Mission South County Lighthouse)
Serving all vets with a parking lot full of food, clothing, shower facilities, employment & training services, homeless court, housing assistance, mental health services, and access to a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. A good opportunity if you know someone who needs it.
California Veterans Property Tax Exemptions:
Homeowners Exemption - Reduces the taxable value of your primary home by $7,000 saving you an exciting $70.
Veterans Exemption - $4000, but you can’t use both.
* If CA Senate Bill 871 passes, then an amendment will go on the November ballot to allow the Homeowners Exemption to stack with the Veterans and Disabled Veterans amounts.
Disabled Veterans Exemption –
Reduces property tax for 100% rated vets and surviving spouse and can be retroactive up to 8 Years. Adjusted for inflation, in 2023, $161k of the assessed value was exempt and $241k for Low-Income households (below $72k).
Property Tax Relief for Seniors & Disabled -
If you or spouse are age 55+, or severely disabled, including non-vets, you may transfer the base value of an existing home to a newly purchased home. It also allows disability modifications to your home, not to be added to the assessed value that is taxed.
OWNER ALERT - a free service provided San Diego County with monitoring to help protect your home and property title from fraudulent theft.
Article Posted June 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month
When can you get VA Dental Coverage?
Partial VA dental coverage - for service-connected dental conditions.
Full VA covered dental care – for a 100% VA rating
VA dental insurance option - also covers dependents
• similar in cost and benefits as most employer plans
• must be enrolled in VA health care or CHAMPV
VA Homeless Veterans Dental Program
• to relieve pain and treat gum infections
• to help you get a job
Upcoming dates of service and remembrance:
- Flag Day (June 14th)
- D-Day Remembrance - June 6th
- Battle of Midway – 4-7 June
Museum of the Month - The Greatest Generation Collection in Memorial Park
(at the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier)
Space-A Flights
Generally active, reserve, retirees, 100% disabled, and dependents are eligible.
Article Posted May 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Sea World - Free Tickets for Vets
- Active/Reserve: year-round:
- Veterans: available through May 27, 2024:
Veteran Statistics:
- 13% of adults experiencing homelessness are veterans.
- As of 2022, there were more than 1200 homeless veterans in San Diego.
Upcoming Dates of Service and Remembrance:
- National Poppy Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
- Memorial Day (last Monday of May)
Museum of the Month:
Veterans Museum at Balboa Park & Veterans Memorial Garden (
Article Posted April 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Tax Season deadline is April 15th - Free Filing:
Note: VA pension and benefits are tax free. Retirement income is not.
Most with an AGI under $79,000 can file for free at MilTax or IRS Free File. State filing is separate.
Use CalFile to e-file your state tax return directly to the Franchise Tax Board. Get real-time confirmation and the fastest refund possible. And best of all, it’s free.
Medal of Honor Day was March 25th
Our Veterans Museum at Balboa Park is currently closed due to rain damage, but, please consider supporting and visiting when it reopens in April.
If you would like to verify your VA burial eligibility and plan your benefits in advance…
The program allows veterans and their spouse to confirm eligibility for burial in a VA national cemetery and begin planning.
Article Posted March 2024 (Continue down this page for more articles posted by month)
Tax Season - Free File for Vets
(...and most everyone else)
Note: VA benefits are tax free.
Most with an AGI under $79,000 can file for free at MilTax or IRS Free File.
Charity of the Month
Provides veterans and first responders who have been critically injured the line of duty with customized mobility solutions (wheelchairs) that meet their physical and lifestyle needs to ensure our warriors rejoin their lives at the highest level of independence and freedom possible.
Balboa Park Museums
Regular discount for Veterans and Seniors is about 20%. Some offer free admission each month for residents.
1st Tuesday: Fleet Science Center, Natural History Museum, Model Railroad Museum
2nd Tuesday: Air & Space Museum, Veterans Museum (regular $5)
3rd Tuesday: Museum of Art, Japanese Garden, Mingei International Museum
4th Tuesday: Automotive Museum
Check out Balboa Park’s Museums and activities:
40+ Free Things to Do in Balboa Park:
Article Posted February 2024
Free Backcountry Expeditions for Veterans
Veterans with disabilities, seen and unseen, can apply now for No Barriers Warriors' programs including expeditions in Colorado, Wyoming and North Carolina.
WW2 Veterans Eligible for Free VA Health Care
Veterans who served in the U.S. military between Dec. 7, 1941, and Dec. 31, 1946, are now eligible for VA health care benefits, including nursing home care.
Free year of LinkedIn Premium
LinkedIn offers Veterans a free 1-year premium career subscription, including year of access to LinkedIn Learning. Veterans can use LinkedIn Learning to take more than 16,000 courses like software development, graphic design, leadership, data science, photography, and more for almost every professional skill.
Employment Services: In partnership with the Department of Labor, VA provides support to Veterans and transitioning service members at all stages of their job search, including career advice, resume building, and access to employers who want to hire Veterans and military spouses. and
Veterans’ Compensation COLA Act of 2023
The legislation signed on June 14, 2023, promises that most VA benefits, including disability compensation and survivors’ support, will see automatic cost-of-living hikes starting in 2024, equal to that of Social Security payouts. Previously the Social Security hikes were automatic, but Congress had to set and approve the veterans hikes each year and veteran’s benefits didn’t always keep up.
Presidential Pardon on Marijuana Possession, Attempted Possession, and Use
President Biden issued a proclamation that pardoned many federal offenses involving simple marijuana possession and use.
Article Posted November 2023 UPGRADE YOUR JOB
VA - Connect the Vets
1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9am-11am
Meet with EDD and VA reps at the La Jolla VA Center
Veterans Preference for Federal Jobs:
Veterans who are have a 0% rating or served on active duty during certain specified time periods are entitled to preference for Federal jobs vice, or their spouse if the vet is unable to work due to the service-connected disability.
Employment Preference for California Veterans
California also grants hiring preference with basic service requirements.
Direct-Hire Authority (DHA) is an appointing (hiring) authority that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) can give to Federal agencies for filling vacancies when a critical hiring need or severe shortage of candidates exists.
U.S. Department of Labor
Vet’s preferences, apprenticeships, and other resources.
VA - Connect the Vets
1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9am-11am
Meet with EDD and VA reps at the La Jolla VA Center
Article Posted October 2023 UPGRADE YOUR JOB
Veterans Preference for Federal Jobs:
Veterans who are have a 0% rating or served on active duty during certain specified time periods are entitled to preference for Federal jobs vice, or their spouse if the vet is unable to work due to the service-connected disability.
Employment Preference for California Veterans
California also grants hiring preference with basic service requirements.
Direct-Hire Authority (DHA) is an appointing (hiring) authority that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) can give to Federal agencies for filling vacancies when a critical hiring need or severe shortage of candidates exists.
U.S. Department of Labor
Vet’s preferences, apprenticeships, and other resources.
Article Posted September 2023
Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
Vets with a 30% rating or 20% rating with employment handicap, and within 12 years of active discharge, or the date VA awards service-connected disability. Does not count against GI Bill entitlement.
-Opportunities for direct hire placement into government agencies.
-Education & Training
VA pays the cost of up to 2 years training or education plus housing allowance.
-Special Employer Incentive Program (SEI)
+Program for employers covers costs of hiring V&RE Vets.
+ 50% of salary for 6 months.
+ training, uniforms, tools
+ workplace accommodations
-On the Job Training (OJT) Program:
Employers hire Vets at apprentice wage, and VA supplements up to the journey-man wage. Pays for necessary tools and equipment to support reasonable accommodations.
-Non-Paid Work Experience (NPWE):
Get job experience in a govt agency (fed, state, county, city, local) for Vets with vocational goal or difficulties obtaining employment due to lack of work experience. Build your resume and search for jobs while you train.
Article Posted August 2023
Assistance with Education - Employment - Healthcare - Home Loans - Housing - Advocacy - VA Claims. Also has TAP classes online, feel free to redo any TAP missed during out-processing or just because you want some updates to various programs. I recommend you check it out and register to get occasional email updates.
The Veteran Tickets Foundation provides tickets to all branches of currently-serving Military and Veterans, including immediate family of troops KIA. Vet Tix secures tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, educational and family activities across the nation. VetTixers sign up online. We verify their service. VetTixers request tickets to events that interest them, then pay a small delivery fee to receive their free tickets. I haven't tried it yet but it looks like availability is pretty random so you need to check often. But there are a couple of comedy clubs in San Diego have regular offers.
And some GOOD news! -Veterans’ Compensation COLA Act of 2023
The legislation signed on June 14, 2023, promises that most VA benefits, including disability compensation and survivors’ support, will see automatic cost-of-living hikes starting in 2024, equal to that of Social Security payouts. Previously the Social Security hikes were automatic, but Congress had to set and approve the veterans hikes each year and veteran’s benefits didn’t always keep up.
Article Posted April 2023
When can you get VA Dental Coverage?
Partial VA dental coverage:
• For a service-connected dental condition or dental care needed in relation to treating another service-connected condition.
Full VA covered dental care:
• Have a 100% VA rating
VA dental insurance option (VADIP) - also covers dependents
• similar in cost and benefits as most employer plans
• must be enrolled in VA health care or CHAMPV
VA Homeless Veterans Dental Program
• to relieve pain and treat gum infections
• to help you get a job
Article Posted April 2023
Free Entrepreneurship Boot Camp for Vets & Spouses
DAV Patriot Boot Camp is an intensive training program for Veterans to pursue dreams of founding a venture. There is no cost for registration or participation beyond personal travel-related expenses and lodging.
Free Business Start-up Training
Are you a Veteran with aspirations of entrepreneurship and business ownership?
IRS Free File
If you made $69,000 or less during 2019, you qualify for free brand-name software offered through a partnership between the IRS and leading tax software providers.
Article Posted March 2023
PACT Act is Simple
Generally, the VA requires you to prove a condition was service connected. The PACT Act changes this. If you served during certain periods in certain locations, and later contract one of the dozens of conditions linked to toxic exposure such as proximity to burn pits or agent orange, the VA will assume that you are service connected without requiring further evidence.
The VA also reminds vets to be cautious of scammers claiming to represent the VA or assist with filing claims. You can easily register yourself online at, at any Regional Office, or by phone 1-800-827-1000. If you are not sure you qualify, then go through the registration process to find out.
Special Credits to Social Security for Military Service
Since 1957, military have paid into Social Security retirement benefits. Through 2001, military service was also awarded bonus credits. Earned income plus the credits determine our SSA retirement pay. Since 1968, credits should be automatic. For credits prior to 1968, you will need to provide your DD 214 when you apply for SSA retirement. If you have any doubt, check to ensure you received the credits.
Article Posted February 2023
Balboa Park Museums
Regular discount for Veterans and Seniors is about 20%. Some offer free admission each month for residents.
1st Tuesday: Fleet Science Center, Natural History Museum, Model Railroad Museum
2nd Tuesday: Air & Space Museum, Veterans Museum (regular $5)
3rd Tuesday: Museum of Art, Japanese Garden, Mingei International Museum
4th Tuesday: Automotive Museum
Check out Balboa Park’s Museums and activities:
40+ Free Things to Do in Balboa Park:
Special Credits to Social Security for Military Service
Since 1957, military have paid into Social Security retirement benefits. Through 2001, military service was also awarded bonus credits. Earned income plus the credits determine our SSA retirement pay. Since 1968, credits should be automatic. For credits prior to 1968, you will need to provide your DD 214 when you apply for SSA retirement. If you have any doubt, check to ensure you received the credits.
Article Posted January 2023
Free lifetime Military Pass Entrance to National Parks for Gold Star Families and Veterans
The free annual Military Pass is available for current US military members and their dependents covers entrance fees and standard amenity fees. There is also a pass for Seniors and disabled persons. $10 processing fee online or free in person at sites that issue passes.
Free California State Park Lifetime Pass
Eligibility: 50% VA rating, POW, or Medal of Honor.
Discounted CA Sport Fishing and Hunting Licenses for Disabled and Recovering Vets 50% rating or service members undergoing medical treatment while recovering from a severe service-related injury or illness. Apply with your VA certification or treatment letter from your commander or military doctor via mail. You can also request a secure document upload to Once established, you can purchase at any licensing location.
Article Posted November 2022
VA Survivors Pension:
Offers monthly payments to survivors of wartime veterans who meet needs-based income limits, for spouses, not remarried, and unmarried dependent children under 18 or in school to age 23. The calculations are complicated but we can review your situation and assist with the application. You will need to gather documents to verify income (including social security), assets, and debts.
Article Posted December 2022
VA Survivors Pension:
Offers monthly payments to survivors of wartime veterans who meet needs-based income limits, for spouses, not remarried, and unmarried dependent children under 18 or in school to age 23. The calculations are complicated but we can review your situation and assist with the application. You will need to gather documents to verify income (including social security), assets, and debts.
Article Posted October 2022
New myPay for Gray Area Retirees
Gray Area Retirees are members who served in the Guard or Reserves and qualified for retired pay and have retired from their service, but are not yet at the age where they can start receiving retired pay, and includes members in the Retired Reserve.
By registering for a myPay account, you will receive important information from DFAS and your Branch of Service, such as changes in laws or policies that impact your retirement benefits, reminders about applying for retired pay, and your Services’ Retiree Newsletter. Also, DFAS will send email status notifications to you when your completed application for retired pay is received (applications for retired pay should be submitted through your Branch of Service or National Guard command).
Article Posted September 2022
VETERAN Designation on Driver License and ID Card
Eligible vets can add "VETERAN" to the front of their driver license or ID card and can serve as proof of service for various discounts and benefits. The CalVet office will verify and issue a verification form that you take to the DMV. $5 is added to the regular card fee.
Registration Fee Waivers for Disabled Vets
Free vehicle registration and license plates for 100% percent disabled, former POW, Medal of Honor recipient, or the surviving spouse of a POW or Medal of Honor recipient.
Article Posted August 2022
I would like to encourage everyone to sign up for the free insurance offered by Legionnaires Insurance Trust. It's free. The department of California gets money for each member signed up. The department uses this money to support VA&R. In other words this money helps pay for Accredited service officers throughout the state that help members apply for benefits. All members of the legion family are eligible. So please spread the word to both our auxiliary members and sons. You can get additional information at the web site and the address is
Also I have been getting a lot of questions about the social security noncontributory earnings, I wrote about earlier. The benefits manual says that these benefits are not in the record now, but should be added when you apply for benefits. So when you apply take a copy of your DD-214 with you ,and ask them to add the earnings, if you are eligible . You should be eligible for additonal earnings if you served on active duty from 1956 through 2001
Article posted July 2022
Instantly Download VA benefit letters
I just figured out you can login in and download these VA benefit letters without filling out a form:
- Proof of Service Card (useful at stores that have Vet discounts)
- Service Verification Letter, Benefit Summary
- Civil Service Preference Letter
Article posted June 2022
California Property Tax Exemptions:
Homeowners Exemption - Reduces the taxable value of your primary home by $7,000 saving you an exciting $70.
Veterans' Exemption - gets you even less, so don’t bother.
Disabled Veterans Exemption - reduces property tax for 100% rated vets and surviving spouse. Base exemption is $150k, or $225k with household income below $66k. It adjusts for inflation and may be retroactive 8 Years. Proposed changes make it available to all vets based on rating.
Capital Gains Tax Relief - If you or spouse are age 55+, or severely and permanently disabled, you can transfer the base value of your home to a newly purchased home. It also allows a one-time claim for disability related modifications to your home without adding the cost to the assessed value.
VA now uses as an alternative to - one account for access to govt agencies.